When I knew my lottery number.. which was 99… in a year where everyone was going up into the 300’s if I remember right… it was that fact that made me ask myself… "Do I want to dig fox holes when I graduate from college… or do I want to go in the service under my terms?".   OBVIOUSLY… I had options to consider.  I decided to join Navy ROTC as a Reserve Officer Candidate….and get the government to partially fund my education.  This caused me to spend the next summer in "boot camp" on Purdue University Campus with Marine gunny sergeants (God bless them) all over my butt getting me into shape (a good thing)… and the next summer on an aircraft carrier in Long Beach, CA (the surfing was great). Then because I was highly ranked in my class of NROTC, I had my pick of duty… so I signed up for a Destoyer out of Newport RI…. as far away from Vietnam as possible…. even though I thought Vietnam was the right thing to do… I felt it was a long term quagmire… as it turned out to be.  As a result, I ended up meeting my wife of 35 years (even though divorce is now part of my life), traveled the world.. the Med chasing Russian submarines, several weeks in Guantanamo Bay –  making believe that a 1945 class destoyer could actually shoot down a Russian Mig (that was a laugh even though I was CIC Officer, Anti-Air Warfare officer and other positions)…. and then heading back to get ready to go to Vietnam… AND THEN… as part  of the slow down in Vietnam… was offerred an early out…
I spent several weeks in the Boston Shipyard getting ready to go (I love Boston)… Many weeks in Newport Island – Station heaven… with the opportunity to watch a couple of America’s cup events….  a chance to "tour" my way through the Panama Canal, visit Hawaii for the first time… and then depart from the service with an Reservist "early out" back to San Francisco.  I made great friends, had a great experience, but YES… the lottery draft changed my life… and in hindsight… for the good.  I would love to hear from others … I currently live in Satellite Beach Florida… with short stops in Cedar Rapids, IA, Des Moines IA, Troy MI, Albany NY, Exton PA, Clifton Park NY, Grafton MA with vacation homes in New Hampshire and now in Satellite Beach FL… if you want to get in contact with me… see www.daveCongdon.com.