There were 7 of us renting a house on Milton St and we were all eligible that first lottery.  Six of the 7 got numbers under 50, and the 7th was over 350.  It goes without saying that the week following the lottery is more than a bit fuzzy.  All the rules had changed — the student deferments (2-S) expired after a BA or BS.  My acceptance to the UW Law school was no longer deferable and therefore gone.  I had taken a federal exam, getting job offers with the NSA in DC and the Social Security Administration, and was accepted into the Peace Corps for a South American placement, neither deferable.  I passed my physical in May about the same time my hearing was held to consider my request for I-0 status . . . conscientious objector.  Since I was willing to volunteer for civilian service (as opposed to waiting for my number to be called — and at #8, it had already been called), the CO was awarded and I signed on the spot.  I thought at the time so many people were challenging the selective service system itself, there was no cross-examination about the validity of my claim.  I found my own job in Madison, rather than waiting to be assigned a job, 43 hrs/wk for $195/month and completed my two years in August 1972.