I received my lottery number of 184 from the first lottery drawing in 1969, but I had a deferment since I was then a full-time student at the University of Kentucky, where I played football.  When I graduated in ’71, I lost my deferment.  After being cut by the New England Patriots, I returned to UK for graduate school.  I was issued orders for induction in the fall of ’71.  Upon providing proof that I was in graduate school, I was given another temporary deferment and new orders for induction on January 2, 1972. 

I remember riding on a bus to Louisville, KY to take my physical.  Despite the X-rays of my neck injury from football, I passed with flying colors.  Then, in late December, Congress did not renew the draft law.  On December 31, 1971, I got a letter cancelling my orders for induction.  That was one wild New Years Eve!

After 20 years coaching high school football, I am now a high school principal in Crestview, FL.