On the night of the drawing, I was at the architecture building working on a design for my presentation at 8 am the following morning. A freshman shouted, anyone named Charles on this floor. I answered YES, and he said you have a call on the payphone in the hall.

I had given that number to my parents in the event of emergency call to me after hours. I answered with trembling hand and they were both talking at once. Finally, my father asked to speak first….he said: "are you watching the lottery?" I said no but I was aware of the drawing and thought I would read the results the next day in the Atlanta paper. He said:  "you drew number 304 and you probably will not be drafted….I am so glad because I feel I served enough for both of us!" My father spent 23 months in a German POW camp named Stallag 17B. He almost starved to death before he was liberated. He was a decorated top turret gunner on a B17 and was shot down over France in 1943.

I had expected to proudly serve my country. I had hoped by the time I graduated from undergraduate school that the war would have slowed-down, but I was ready to serve. I was participating in the Air Force ROTC program and had planned to go to officer school once I finished my degree.
Drawing #304 allowed me to get married and start my career without the possibility of being drafted and going into active service. This was a life changer for me. I will always remember my Dad’s voice over the phone. I wish he was still alive to copy him on this note.