I drew number 135 (well, if my memory is correct), but it was within the numbers actually called.   I took a chance and let my college deferment lapse, hoping my number would not be reached.  But it was.  I was called to Jacksonville for a pre-induction physical.  I remember when they told us, in a large line, to take down our pants, but if you didn’t wear underwear to leave your pants up.  About 30% left their pants up.  And, there were some football players there who all failed the physical, while we punier built guys passed.  I was advised of all the tricks, including during the hearing test to push the button down, but never let it go (you were supposed to let it go when you heard a sound).   The instructor made obnoxious jokes (when the form asked if the draftee was an alcoholic, he laughed and said, "No such thing.").   He did congratulate us on having the highest group academic score.  Heck 90% of us were from UF.   Anyway I passed and woke up one day to my mail, "GREETINGS", report for induction.  I begged for and received one more year of deferment to allow me to graduate, then report.  The draft law expired that year and while Congress waited a year and a half to pass a new draft law, the Selective Service decided to forego all drafts while the new law was being debated.   During that time two more lotteries occurred and my number 135 became 865.   I never got called.