I graduated from U. Wisconsin  with a B.S. in January of 1968 and was in premed.  I had not heard from the UW about medical school and continued to take courses with the thought of teaching if I did not get into medical school.  I received my notice to take my physical in March of 1968 along with my college room mate who had also graduated.  We had to drive to Sturgeon Bay Wisconsin and take a bus from our home town to Milwaukee. We both passed. Bussed back to Sturgeon Bay and then had to drive back to Madison that night for classes in the AM.  Three weeks later I received two letters in the mail on the same day. The first was a letter ordering me to report for duty in the Army.  The second was my acceptance into medical school in Madison.  I called the Dean’s office and they called my draft board.  I was safe for the next four years.  My room mate got his letter to report the same day.  He ended up in Vietnam and in six weeks was shot, ending his military career. 

Two years ago I was in Washington DC and visited the Vietnam Memorial. It was a tearful experience to view the memorial and think about those two letters arriving on the same day.