I was in my senior year at the UW, and wound up with lottery number 17.   Then, around early December, as I recall it, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird commented that there probably would not be a draft for the first six months of 1972.  This was followed by news stories pointing out that if a man was in category I-A as of  December 31, and there really was no draft in the next six months, he would drop to category II-A, and would likely never get drafted.  Over Christmas Break, I went to a draft advice group in Milwaukee for advice.  Their advice was that this was a trap and no one should give up their student deferment, because they would be drafted.  Since I was in my senior year, I knew I could get a student deferment that would get me only through the Spring Semester.  Figuring I had nothing to lose, I gave up my student deferment and got classified I-A.  However, since I’d have to apply for the short-term student deferment before getting drafted, I ended up calling my draft board first thing in the morning for next six months.  Shortly after my going I-A, the draft advisor people called me to ask what I’d done.  I told them I’d ignored their advice and they told me I was right to do so.  Thus, I never did get drafted when there was no draft through mid-1972.