Scary times… My wife was 4 months pregnant (the exemption for children had recently been discontinued) and I had just drawn a guaranteed-to-get- picked number. I was to graduate in May of 1970. Before I finished up at NCSU I was called up for a physical in April. Fortunately I had a physician friend who wrote a strong letter stating that I was not physically fit for service. At that time my friend was in the military as a captain and signed the "to whom it may concern letter" as Captain, US Army. I brought this letter to my physical and presented it to the Dr. there (a civilian) and he asked what the H— was this? Anyway it was cause for concern as to my fitness so he did not pass me but sent me to Ft. Bragg to see a specialist. The moment I met the Dr. at Bragg I knew I was in luck. He asked me if I was trying to get into the service or trying to stay out. I told him I was trying to stay out. He was sympathetic and got me a temporary IV-F.
I moved North to graduate school (close to the Canadian border) while also receiving C.O. training at the University I attended. I had to take another physical in 1971 and failed again but in late 1971 I passed as the Dr. that time was not sympathetic. By then my son was over 1 yr old. Through the University I received counselling and guidance that the draft was winding down and there was a quirk in the law that if I declared myself draft eligible before the end of 1971 and was not selected by the Selective Service within the first 90 days of 1972, my draft number would be basically 365 days plus my original 68, and I COULD NOT BE DRAFTED. So I declared myself eligible (which meant I dropped my C.O. application), and by April 1, as there was not a draft for the first three months of 1972, I was finally free from family concerns over a war I protested on campus throughout 1972.