I joined Air Force ROTC as a freshman in college in 1967, at Duke. I liked airplanes and I was deathly fearful of getting drafted into the Army as a foot soldier. Duke was a fairly safe place to be in ROTC and having to wear a uniform one day per week, though during the 1970 bombings of Cambodia I stayed as scarce as I could. (I even joined a protest march, though not in uniform.)

When the lottery came out for my graduation year of 1971 it was moot for me but I was highly curious of my number. If it was high, I would not have needed to join ROTC. If it was low, I would be thanking my lucky stars that I did. When the lottery came out, my number was (I believe) 175, which meant that had I been subject to the draft I would have been drafted exactly the week I graduated from college. I considered myself lucky to be an Air Force officer instead.
I ended up deferring active duty to attend graduate school, and while I was there the war ended. So although I stayed in the Air Force Reserve for ten years I only served on active duty for 90 days, and that in a professional capacity. If I’d been drafted I’m sure I’d be dead today.