I was a graduate student when the first lottery was conducted in 1969, and was not watching when they first started drawing numbers.  I joined the telecast when they were around No. 100 and hoped that my number wouldn’t be drawn anytime soon.  When they got to about No. 250, without drawing my number, my perspective changed and I hoped to be drawn soon.  Needless to say, I was worried when it was not drawn.  A list was soon posted and I quickly found out I was in the first 10. (During the first lottery, the markers were not well-mixed resulting in a very uneven distribution).

I quickly scrambled to get into an Army Reserve Unit and was forced to go through basic training, MOS training, and to devote the next 6 years to monthly weekend meetings and 2 week summer camps.  But I did make some good friends and gained a broader perspective on life.  I envied those with high numbers, however, but respected those who served.