To me, this is an interesting project. I either never knew or had long forgotten my lottery number. Maybe I should have paid more attention to the lottery, given that I apparently escaped the draft by the skin of my teeth.

As an engineering student at the University of Kentucky from a poor county, my attention was directed toward my studies (and young ladies on campus). The way out of the poor county to a better future was through civilian education.

I was classified I-A most of my college years and had to get the obligatory physical exam, but I did not get drafted and did not join. Although I was anti-war (who wasn’t?), I knew I would serve if drafted. My father and uncles had served in WW II and the obligation, should it arise, was in my blood. I knew a few who died and know many who served in Vietnam and, thus, I am not sorry I missed the fracas.

Oddly enough, once I got into the corporate world, I spent a lot of time in southeast Asia and have long been married to a lady from the region. I am glad I did not serve and develop a dislike for the region, because now I love the area.

(Ed.’s note: The highest number called to service from the 1969 lottery was 195).