I entered UK in Civil Engineering in September, 1965, and also enrolled in Air Force ROTC. My plans were to become a pilot in the Air Force, then begin a business career. However after two years in the College of Engineering, I decided to change majors and enter the College of Business. Much to my unpleasant surprise, as a result of this change in majors I became immediately ineligible to enter the Advance AFROTC program and to receive scholarships. Soon therefater the draft lottery was instituted, and to my good fortune I received No. 360. I was then able to finish my degree, start a business, and pursue my career without any obligation for military service.

I do regret not having served any time in the military, but I do not regret not having served in Vietnam. I do hold great appreciation for those who served in the military, especially in Vietnam and other wars. We are a great nation and we owe more than we can ever repay to the men and women of the military. I salute them all.