Sitting in my fraternity den, watching TV as a college sophomore, I had no clue about the future impact of that evening in 1969.  I had enrolled in Army ROTC as a freshman (it must have been mandatory then) in 1967.  I realized quickly that with my number I needed to study hard to retain a student deferrment until I graduated in 1971. 

I became a recruiter for Army ROTC in  the summer of 1970, and worked  as an orientation leader, providing this guidance: Sign up for Army ROTC as a freshman, get your number, and then decide if you stay in or not. It’s only a two year commitment in the Army, vs. a four year committment in the Air Force. Nearly the entire freshman class signed up for Army ROTC, and the Colonel thought I was a great recruiter.

I ended up delaying my "summer camp" experience, and was sent to West Point as a Quartermaster 2nd Lieutenant, running the Officer’s Club.  All the result of one night in 1969.