I graduated from UNC in May 1969 without an acceptance to medical school. I figured the chance of being drafted was high, but I was willing to do just about anything to avoid interrupting my pursuit of a medical degree. I underwent an Army physical (not pre-induction) in Raleigh so I figured they had their eyes on me. Since I did not want to be in the infantry I applied and was selected by the Air Force to be a navigator.
Because I knew that I could be deferred if I got a job teaching, I interviewed with Dr. John Deason, Superindentent of Alamance County Schools. He offered me a job with the understanding that I give him in writing assurance from my draft board that I would not be drafted during the school year (my obligation to the Air Force was voluntary). I traveled to my home town of Springfield, Missouri and met with the draft board and asked them to give me one more chance to get into medical school while I was teaching. I told them that if I did not get into medical school I would no longer seek a deferral.
By December I had been admitted to medical school at UNC. Nevertheless I knew that the chance of being drafted was still a possibility, so my friends and I watched the lottery on television. When my number of 243 was drawn I stood up, bid my friends Good Night and went to bed without ever thinking about the draft again.