I avoided the draft by keeping my student deferment until 1966, when I left college temporarily to raise the money to continue my education. Three weeks after I left, I was called up for a physical at Fort Jackson, SC. There I passed the AFQT with flying colors, also allowing two guys next to me to copy off my paper. Before I left, the officer in charge called me to front of room and handed me a medical form for my family doctor to fill out. He also advised me the think about OCS.
I took the medical form home to my 80 year-old family physician and gave him the form. He looked at it and said, "I’ll take care of this". A month later I received my I-Y classification–I could only be drafted in the event of declared war. To this day, I do not know what the Doctor put on the medical form, but I was grateful. My Mother said she did not even know I gave him the form.
In June 1966, I transferred to the University of Georgia, and the rest is history. Obviously, the draft was unfair with too many exclusions. I had friends that got married or had children to avoid it. One went to Canada. Two friends died in Vietnam. I felt guilty later for not going, but I gave 32 years to the Federal Government as an investigator/auditor.