Frank, Alabama, 1969. No. 57: The Three Ironies

My story has a series of ironic twists.I was in ROTC while in college. The first irony of the lottery, as I remember it, was that it was being held after I had to commit to the final two years of ROTC training. It was a gamble, but I chose to go with the ROTC option....

Pat, California, 1969. Saddest Times

I was a student at UCLA when the lottery numbers were coming up. I was not affected for I had enlisted in 1966, US Army Airborne, Special Forces. I served in Viet Nam as a Green Beret. My saddest times were when I was discharged and basically spit on by several...

David, California, 1969. No. 299: Coffee And No-Doz

Before the lottery, I visited a UCLA attorney to get counseling on how to deal with the draft board. I had already been scheduled for a physical exam in downtown L.A.  I showed up with what seemed like hundreds of other guys. We were divided up into small groups...

Richard, California, 1969. No. 303: Relief And Remorse

I recall my father-in-law to-be stating that he would assist me and my fiancee/girlfriend to flee to Canada rather than be drafted.  At the time this astounded me, as I had previously thought of him as a fairly conservative guy.  Naturalized Italian...

Bill, California, 1969. No. 292: Equally Patriotic Ways

The real story was in the number, 292.  By any standard, a high and SAFE number.  I was getting ready to, and did go to Canada, where I hitch-hiked from one end to the other, not always on a natural high.  I was vehemently opposed to the Vietnam War,...