Bob, DC, 1969. No. 118: Never Had A Chance

I watched the first lottery with my floormates in Whitbeck House-Sellery Hall.  As each guy had his number called, he left the room.  This was a totally spontaneous ritual.  The networks speculated that those whose numbers were in the first third-about...

Isaac, Ohio, 1970. No. 164: Just A Little While Ago

It was just a little while ago, but I was fortunate since my number was not called. I do remember some anxiety that summer on the day of the draft. I had hoped to enter ROTC as a freshman, but due to corrective glasses, I was rejected.  I believe my student...

Doug, Ohio, 1969. No. 141: Free And Clear

The night of the lottery, my college roommate and I were watching it on TV. The first date drawn was his birthday — he was No. 1. I hung on until 141, which was a problem. The purpose of the lottery was supposed to be to let you know whether you were going to be...

Murray, Canada, 1969. Sheets To The Wind

I was a foreign student in grad school at Wisconsin and recall lottery evening very clearly.  My date of birth came up quite late in the proceedings, and I wished I could trade with any registrant who had not been so lucky....

Rich, Colorado, 1969. No. 240: Climb Every Mountain

I was born with an abnormal left leg, and "knew" that if I were ever drafted, I’d get a physical deferment. So, I never took my II-S, and instead let myself be classified I-A. Early in 1969, Richard Nixon sent me...

Dan, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 100: Making The Cut

I graduated from UW Madison in June 1972 and had been accepted at the UW Law School for the fall term.  I was working at a camp in the summer and came back for my Army physical in July.I started the fall semester of law school not knowing whether "they"...