Dave, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 182: The Final Semester

I watched the drawing on TV with my girlfriend  The projection was that the Selective Service would get beyond 182 in 1970 but maybe not in 1971. So I rescheduled my final semester of school and got a I-S deferment and got into the 1971 pool when they...

Mike, Florida, 1969. No. 356: The Luckiest Moment

I can remember sitting in my parents’ living room, in  front of the TV, with my best friend who was my age.  We were both very anxious about the lottery and spent the time by making bad jokes about what our numbers would be and what would become...

Mark, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 300: Geometry Not GPS

I was an ROTC cadet. I was not a good Army student, but was on track for getting my commission as a 2nd lieutenant. I fully expected to join the 98% who got their commission in the infantry. At that time, 2nd Lts. were forward observers, the guys who sneaked into...

Richard, Pennsylvania, 1970. No. 243: The Boys On The Bus

I received a high lottery number in 1970 but don’t recall the exact number, except that it put me pretty much out of harm’s way. What was curious is that I was classified as 4-F in 1969 and I didn’t expect to be in the lottery. I got the...

Don, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 202: Safer Than Dodging Bullets

I was actually drafted in January of 1969 PRIOR to the lottery. I had dropped down to 12 credits at UW-Madison which, according to the draft board, made me eligible. An acquaintance of mine was a 20-year Naval Reserve vet who pulled some strings and got me in the...