Alan, Wisconsin,1969. No. 233: For Men Only

I had #233 and it looked like they wouldn’t go past #160-180, so I felt lucky.  However, does anyone else feel that this (draft and lottery) was by far the biggest sex discrimination case never filed or resolved? (Editor’s note:  A lawsuit...

Dennis, California, 1969. The Fish Diet

I was pretty well stoned throughout this period of my life so I don’t recall the details of the lottery drawing itself. I was shacked up with my future ex above Ella’s on State in a one-bedroom flat. I know I had a fairly low number and being anti-war, it...

Ed, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 318: Lottery Party

The first lottery fell on a cold night in Madison. Lottery parties were the order of the day. Watching the event on TV, everyone was drinking and sweating out the results. Some said hell no, they wouldn’t go, others said they would. Fortunately for our group, no...

George, Florida, 1969. No. 359: 21 Years in the Guard

I enlisted in the Florida National Guard in July of 1968. When the first lottery came around I was an officer candidate in the OCS academy at Camp Blanding, Florida. I went with a number of fraternity brothers (Phi Delts) from the university to watch the lottery on TV...

Al, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 116: Misfiled at the Draft Board

My number came up at 116 and I fully expected to be drafted. The only reason that I can figure as to why I was not drafted is that the following summer I took a vacation in Canada. In order to travel out of the country as a draft age male you were required to notify...