James, Florida, 1969. No. 76: The Canadian Option

My birthday is November 6, 1947, so I was in the 1969 draft lottery and pulled number 76.  In the summer of ’68, with a year left to run on my student deferment, I made a "dry run" to Toronto just to see if it would be possible to get over the...

Neil, New Jersey, 1969. No. 364: Protracted Adolescence

I was a very high number (364)–and I was touched when my girlfriend called me up ecstatic. I hadn’t been too worried, though–I had figured my terrible vision would keep me out. Still, it was great to hear that the draft wouldn’t ruin my...

Ronald, California, 1969. No. 321: Opportunities Unlimited

It was a grey day as the numbers began to be called out for the first ever lottery in modern times.  I was a senior in college preparing to graduate in 1970 and unsure as to my future.  Join the service, go to Canada or disappear. I had been 1-A...

Jerry, Ohio, 1970. No 1!: Four Years or Two?

 Well today is my birthday (July 9). About 38 years ago I hit the jackpot with No. 1 in the lottery. It forever shaped my future. You could not get a decent job because the first thing they would ask you was "What’s your number". Answer would be...

Dave, Virginia, 1969. No. 315: Numbered Faces

I was a student at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.  1969 was the first year of the draft.  I sat in the packed Rathskellar (Student Union) the night of the first draft and watched as they pulled dates out of the lottery bin.  It was a tough,...

Arthur, Michigan, 1969. No. 198: By The Numbers

I was scheduled to graduate from the University of Wisconsin in June of 1969 but needed an extra semester to finish.  I was classifed 1-A beginning when my student deferment ended in June, and I received a middle level draft number. I started my career...