Robert, Georgia, 1969. No. 310: A Lot To Be Desired

I was an advanced Army ROTC cadet at the University of Georgia majoring in Pharmacy which was a 5 or 6 year program (1965-1971). Having finished my ROTC course work in 1969, I did not attend any ROTC classes my last 2 years at Georgia, so I never went to the ROTC...

Jimmy, Georgia, 1969. No. 125: Part of a Larger Organization

I remember the lottery selection well. I was in the parking lot of the Coliseum at UGA drinking beer, believing I would be in the 300’s and safe from the draft. But after drawing No. 125, my draft board was kind enought to let me know I was going to become...

Bob, Georgia, 1969. No. 056: Chairman of the Board

I remember the lottery well. My number was 56. That was a guarantee to be drafted, but it did not matter to me as I had signed a ROTC contract in September of ’69 and was effectively already a private in the US Army Reserve. I served on active duty in Asia for...

Glenn, Kentucky, 1969. No. 244: Where Fates Were Decided

I had no fear or worries on the night of the lottery.  Not because of the high number my birthday drew, but because I was already in Vietnam, assigned to an artillery battery on a small hill in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam.  For us there, across...

Charles, Georgia, 1969. No. 304: Enough For Both Of Us

On the night of the drawing, I was at the architecture building working on a design for my presentation at 8 am the following morning. A freshman shouted, anyone named Charles on this floor. I answered YES, and he said you have a call on the payphone in the hall. I...

David, Georgia, 1969. No. 011: Saved By Typing

I was at the University of Pennsylvania in my final year when the lottery occurred. I remember I was No. 11. I applied to Naval OCS. (Actually I accidentally got in line for the aviation program–the line was much shorter). I also sought out a slot in the...