Juan, Florida, 1969. No. 215: The Six-Month Draft Diet

Sheer panic ran through my veins in anticipation of the lottery.  Like most of us, I had a II-S student deferment and thought I would not be exposed to the draft.  Well, the lottery came and I did OK (#215) but my cousin, born on Sept. 14, drew #1.  He...

Dave, Wisconsin, 1970. No. 48: Bad Trigger Finger

I was "between" schools, having spent the first two years out of high school at Stout State, mostly drinking and being remembered for being able to open a beer can with my teeth and slam the contents down, all in less than 30 seconds. Perhaps it was my lack...

Don, Florida, 1969: Navy Medical Corps To Community Clinic

Senior at Univ. of Florida and thought (or really did not have clarity of thought) that I would take my chances on a high number with the lottery. Well, my number came up in the double digits, so the ole boy was gone. Almost too old for the reserves and certainly...

Duane, 1969. No. 175: Gone South

I was a Canadian citizen living in the United States since the fifties.  Back in the sixties, non-citizens still had to register with the U.S government as a landed immigrant.  I don’t know why but landed immigrant males still had to register for the...

David, North Carolina. The File Clerk's Revenge

My lottery number was high enough that I was probably safe from the draft–and I had received a scholarship to Tulane which also would have helped. But, I was sufficiently anal about all of this such that I went down to the draft board headquarters to kind of...

Curtis, Florida, 1969. No. 23: Radio Vietnam

I was an announcer on WRUF, the campus radio AM station at the University of Florida the night the first draft lottery was held.   We broadcast the drawing live.  The station didn’t play music that would appeal to college students, but I’m...