Gary, Illinois, 1969. No. 094: Teaching Deferment-Thanks, Mom

I had graduated college in May, 1969 and worked construction all summer in Chicago. I applied for both Navy and Air Force OCS to fly jets that summer, but did not get accepted. The local army recruiter said I could become a warrant officer flying choppers, but I knew...

Mark, Michigan, 1972. No. 014: End of the Draft

I received a pre-induction letter from the local SSS. It was 1973 and I was very aware about the casualties of the Vietnam war. I along with about 30 other 19-yr- old males had to gather at the armory in Kalamazoo, MI. We sat there waiting until 2 cars rolled up, and...

Brian, Illinois, 1969. No. 004: No Teacher Deferment

I was a senior at Southern Illinois University and was preparing to watch the lottery on TV that December night when a friend called and said ‘you’re number 4″. I was shocked because I did not see it on TV. I learned later that TV airing was delayed....

Antonio, Illinois, 1971. No. 028: Dropped Out and Enlisted

I graduated from high school in May, 71. I enrolled in junior college but soon dropped out and hung with gang members and friends in Chicago. Received draft notice late 1971. Enlisted USMC Feb. 1972. In late 1972 I was temporarily assigned to Bien Hoa, Vietnam, MAG...

Leland, Colorado, 1969. No. 052: Alternative Service

I was in my final year of college when the 1969 draft was conducted. I don’t have memory if it, but I assume I watched the event with my dorm-mates. I was raised in a pacifist Protestant denomination and had no difficulty attaining conscientious objector (CO) status....