John, New Jersey, 1969. No. 059: The Bar Next Door

I was in a college town when the lottery was held.  I saw the numbers listed on an Associated Press teletype that had been set up in a downtown storefront.  Fortunately, the store was next to a college bar which soon had an overflowing crowd.  I kept my...

George, Massachusetts, 1969. No. 049: Looking Back

The lottery changed my life forever. In 1969 I was a senior in high school and the Vietnam War was very hot. The neighborhood hero was an Air Force pilot who was shot down and killed over North Vietnam. My girlfriend’s only brother stepped on a mine and was...

Robert, England, 1972. No. 358: Home for Christmas

Although I now live in England, I lived in Buffalo, NY, USA throughout the Vietnam War.  I was never sorry that I got out of going to war with a high number, 358.  I have composed lyrics to "I’ll Be Home For Christmas" for those who got...

Jeb, Georgia, 1969. Building Disney World

I very well remember the lottery. I had a number in the lowest 3rd, which we were told would guarantee being drafted. I was in my senior year at UGA, with one quarter remaining until graduation in 1970. I was scheduled to finish classes in December of 1969....

Mike, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 146: Unused Skill

I was a junior in college when my number was drawn. I was scheduled to graduate in May, 1970. I figured I would be drafted by November 1970, so I "volunteed" for the draft and went into the service in June 1970. I entered the Army as a college graduate,...

Tim, Georgia, 1969. No. 300: Rather Lucky Than Good

I was in AFROTC when my number was chosen and I thought it funny at the time that my number was so high and I actually wanted to get into the Air Force as soon as possible so I could learn to fly.  My goal was to fly a fighter and get to Viet Nam, while most of...