Denny, Alabama, 1969. No 273: Dream Assignment

I graduated from UK in 1969 and accepted a position with Saginaw Steering Gear Division of General Motors. But then I was drafted in the last group prior to the lottery of December 1969, volunteered for Officer Candidate School before my November 10...

Shack, Kentucky, 1969: Smartest or Luckiest

My college grades were below the 2.00 GPA required to maintain a student deferment in 1966.  A friend of the family who sat on the local Draft Board told my mother that I was almost guaranteed to be drafted.  I figured that if I got into ROTC, it would...

Gary, Kentucky, 1969. No. 001: Should Have Known Better

I was number ONE in the draft lottery. I was to graduate in December, 1969shortly after the lottery. Word can down that we could get a one year deferment by going to graduate school. I found money for a fellowship and started graduate school. I planned on trying to...

Dana, Kentucky, 1969. No. 345: Big Relief

I will never forget the day after the lottery dates were drawn. I missed them in the evening news so all of the draft eligible recent college graduates in my department (engineering) gathered around the newspaper in the conference room the next morning. I looked...

Bob, Kentucky, 1969. The Tunnels of Cu Chi

After graduating from high school in 1962 I got a job in a warehouse.  I had no intention of going to college, but after working for a year I began to understand the value of a college education.  The company I worked for had a tuition re-imbursement plan so...

Ronald, Texas, 1969. No. 137: Nothing But 50,000 Names

I received a notice in the mail at my dorm room to report to the Selective Service office for a physical, at 6:00 in the morning in late February. I was in my last semester of college and would graduate in May. I went to the draft office a few days before and...