Ken, Tennessee, 1969. No. 018: Forget Graduate School

I was a student at Emory University when the lottery took place. It was my sophomore year in the fall of ’69. I was sitting in the TV room at the fraternity house (Delta Tau Delta) along with several of my brothers and remember watching...

Larry, New Jersey, 1969. No. 121: Fickle Finger of Fate

I was No. 121 in the lottery, for which I won an all-expense paid trip to Ft. Knox, KY. At the completion of AIT and about to be sent to an even better vacation spot in Southeast Asia, President Nixon stopped sending troops to the ‘Nam. I saw the last...

Beau, Georgia, 1969. No 191: Two Kinds of Patriot

I was in first year at UK Law School on Dec 1, 1969. The draft lottery did not affect me. When I graduated from undergraduate school at UK with a political science BA in May 1969, I was also sworn in as a 2d Lt in the U.S. Army as an ROTC graduate. I received my...

Gene, Kentucky, 1969. No. 121: Bumper Sticker On My Skivvies

I was studying as a PoliSci/History major (with a II-S deferment) at the U of KY in 1969 and ready to graduate and head on to Law School the following year. The threat of the war and actually going there was foremost on my mind. I was going to SDS meetings and...

Buck, Oregon, 1969. No. 050: Basic Training x 2

WTF! 50?!  Just as well, I was just whoring around much of my freshman year in college.  End up a daddy if something didn’t happen.  Scared?  You bet.  I watched the news.  Saw the body counts.  So, I went in the Air Force on...

Stanley, Kentucky, 1969. No. 065: Short End of the Stick

The only good thing for me regarding the 1969 draft lottery was it forced me to graduate in four years.  In order to keep our II-S deferment we were required to make satisfactory progress to complete a degree, i.e. 25%, 50%, 75%, and completion.  It required...