Skip, Kentucky, 1969. No. 111: Send Everyone

I was a senior at Transylvania University in Lexington in 1969 when the first draft lottery was held. All of our fraternity watched the drawing on TV. I remember that two brothers sitting next to each other got No. 1 and No. 366.I had No. 111 and I knew that my...

Randy, Ohio, 1969. No. 019: Good or Bad

I started on a Design Apprenticeship at GE Jet engine division in October, 1968.  While on this program I still had a II-S student deferment  After the 1969 lottery with 19 as a lucky number, I wasn’t really big on the idea of...

Douglas, Virginia, 1969. No. 232: Born On A Good Day

I remember not staying up for the lottery and going to bed instead.  I felt that my student deferment was still going to take care of me for the next three years. I was living in a dorm at UK. The next morning my next door neighbor was pounding on...

Jerry, Colorado, 1969. No. 171: Just Missed

We were all gathered in the TV room of Kirwan Tower on the University of Kentucky campus to watch the draft lottery. A roommate drew a number in the low 30s, and soon joined ROTC to stay at UK. My number was 171, right in the middle range. At the time I was a writer...

Randy, Connecticut, 1971. No. 052: Navy Man

I was born in 1952 and my lottery year was 1971.  Back then I was pretty much directionless. I flunked out of college in 1971 and was employed in a series of dead-end jobs.  I was no fan of the war (who was?) but I lacked the initiative to try to evade the...

John, Illinois, 1969. No. 183: Not What I Expected

in 1970, Illinois was significantly behind the national average in supplying draftees.  My draft board offered some encouragement that I would not be called despite having a mid-range  draft number (183).    In August, however, the Selective...