by | Dec 13, 2010 | Stories
When the numbers were drawn and mine had two digits, it was obvious that I had one more factor to be managed as I emerged from college. My academic college experience fell short of superb–the discipline of advanced education did not connect with me until...
by | Dec 12, 2010 | Stories
I entered Duke University in 1968 in the graduate chemistry program. Mine was a class of 16 with, I think, two or three women. By the time I left Duke, all of my male classmates were gone. Some went into teaching, some joined the National Guard, some were able to...
by | Dec 12, 2010 | Stories
I graduated from Duke in June 1969. When I had entered as a freshman in 1965, I had the rather blase attitude that the war could not last another four years, and so I would not have to worry too much about the draft. Obviously, that strategy failed. As the date of my...
by | Dec 8, 2010 | Stories
In March, 1969, my draft board in Buffalo, NY sent me a form requesting my graduation date from Duke. I wrote back that it was June 2nd. I spent April and May exploring alternative services. My eyesight kept me out of the Air Force, and my GPA of way below 3.4...
by | Dec 7, 2010 | Stories
When I received my 191 lottery number, I thought I would be safe from the draft. I therefore passed up an offer to join the National Guard and decided to take my chances. As luck would have it, the Bethesda MD draft board that year (1970) went through...
by | Dec 7, 2010 | Stories
I originally was given I-A status by the local draft board even after I told them I suffered one bout of asthma at age 13. Then I got a I-Y deferral through 1969 while I was at Duke.I tried for CO status but at the hearing with my local board, that was...