John, NC, 1969. No. 212: Reconsider My Calling

At the time of the first lottery, I was in my first year of theological school.  I was genuinely interested in campus ministry and working toward a Master of Divinity degree, a three-year program.   I had to admit, though, that the IV-D status given to...

Robert, New York, 1969. No. 291: Same Birthday

I was not too concerned about the lottery because I was going to medical school and would receive an automatic deferment. My childhood friend who shared the same birthday as me was accepted to law school but declined and joined the National Guard.  He was...

Joe, Tennessee, 1971. No. 002: From Delivery Driver To Naval Air

In 1971 I was driving an auto parts delivery truck when I heard that my lottery number was 002. I had just passed over the Jackson Ave. viaduct in Memphis, TN. That afternoon I called a friend whose Daddy was stationed at the Millington Navy base at Millington, TN....

Walt, Ohio, 1969. No. 303: Johnny Got His Gun

In December of 1969 I was a second year student at Ohio University.  Not really ready for school, poor and confused (very naive).  My Dad had died in 1966 and was a veteran of WW II.  I remember watching the lottery drawing on TV and laughing when my...

Michael, Indiana, 1969. No. 284: Four Out Of Five Doctors Agree

In the spring of 1968, my senior year of high school, I had cartilage and ligaments taken out of my right knee due to a soccer accident. Having no money for college, I began work at a local bank.In early June of 1969, I heeded my draft board’s summons and...

Bill, California, 1969. No. 74: Air Of Unreality

I had a student deferment and was attending Central Connecticut State when I received the low lottery number. I don’t recall much other than being at the college that night with everyone trading their "scores". I remember an air of unreality getting...