Tony, NC, 1969. No. 110: Dad Served For Both Of Us

I had several near misss with the Vietnam situation during my stay at Carolina.The first was in 1966, during my sophomore year. Every male student received mistakenly re-classified draft notices (from II-S to I-A) from the Cumberland County Draft  Board on a...

Mike, NC, 1969. No. 36: Socio-Economic Gamut

I managed to keep a II-S deferment until I graduated college in the summer of 1972.  I received my draft notice in October ’72 and immediately applied for the Army National Guard.The Guard could afford, at the time, to be VERY picky about who they allowed...

Rodger, Pennsylvania, 1969. Other Experiences

To make my story short, my lottery number was never called.  Thus, I did not serve.  However, I had other experiences regarding the Vietnam War era, which I will pass on for what they are worth.In the fall 1965, I lived in a graduate dorm at UNC-CH.  I...

Rich, NC, 1969. No. 3: Political Wars

1969 was the year of my college graduation.  Being the son of a career Army veteran who served in WW II, Korea and Vietnam, when all this started I had no solid feelings of my own about Vietnam.  During the rough early times at school, I often...

John, NC, 1969. No. 212: Reconsider My Calling

At the time of the first lottery, I was in my first year of theological school.  I was genuinely interested in campus ministry and working toward a Master of Divinity degree, a three-year program.   I had to admit, though, that the IV-D status given to...

Robert, New York, 1969. No. 291: Same Birthday

I was not too concerned about the lottery because I was going to medical school and would receive an automatic deferment. My childhood friend who shared the same birthday as me was accepted to law school but declined and joined the National Guard.  He was...