Joe, Tennessee, 1971. No. 002: From Delivery Driver To Naval Air

In 1971 I was driving an auto parts delivery truck when I heard that my lottery number was 002. I had just passed over the Jackson Ave. viaduct in Memphis, TN. That afternoon I called a friend whose Daddy was stationed at the Millington Navy base at Millington, TN....

Walt, Ohio, 1969. No. 303: Johnny Got His Gun

In December of 1969 I was a second year student at Ohio University.  Not really ready for school, poor and confused (very naive).  My Dad had died in 1966 and was a veteran of WW II.  I remember watching the lottery drawing on TV and laughing when my...

Michael, Indiana, 1969. No. 284: Four Out Of Five Doctors Agree

In the spring of 1968, my senior year of high school, I had cartilage and ligaments taken out of my right knee due to a soccer accident. Having no money for college, I began work at a local bank.In early June of 1969, I heeded my draft board’s summons and...

Bill, California, 1969. No. 74: Air Of Unreality

I had a student deferment and was attending Central Connecticut State when I received the low lottery number. I don’t recall much other than being at the college that night with everyone trading their "scores". I remember an air of unreality getting...

Dane, Minnesota, 1969. No. 1: Cycle Of War

I was barely holding onto my student deferment in 1969 when the first draft lottery was held. My grades had been poor and working a full-time job to support my education wasn’t helping.  I knew if I drew a low number I’d be called and of course was...

Morris, Virginia, 1969. No. 90: Polishing Shoes

Why are you polishing your shoes so much? I remember as a freshman, when I had a student deferment given to me in 1968 which would last through the lottery, that I used to tease my freshman roommate, Roy, who was a high school buddy.  He was in ROTC and had...