by | Feb 22, 2009 | Stories
I remember watching the lottery. They were estimating that the first third would go, the second third probably wouldn’t but might go, and the third wouldn’t go. I was low second third but got called shortly after graduating from UCLA.I spent...
by | Feb 17, 2009 | Stories
I was a full-time student at Madison, but had my status changed to I-A because I submitted my draft deferment papers to my local North Carolina draft board a few weeks late. I appealed with all the proper papers, but was turned down 3-0, and was told no...
by | Feb 10, 2009 | Stories
My dad’s death was service related during World War II. I was his sole issue and the only one to continue his name. Because of this, I was granted a deferment. My feeling at the time was great relief, though I would have traded a stint in the service to have...
by | Feb 10, 2009 | Stories
I was in my junior year at the University of Wisconsin, and unfortunately drew a low number. I had a student deferment at that time, so stayed in school, finishing four years but needing one more semester to graduate with an engineering degree. Since the...
by | Feb 5, 2009 | Stories
I had my undergraduate degree and was already teaching elementary school in the Madison school district before the lottery. My school had a lot of high-need students, many from single parent families. The school district sent yearly letters to my draft board...
by | Feb 5, 2009 | Stories
The lottery didn’t mean much to me, since at the time I was going to the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and was in Air Force ROTC. Growing up in New York City I’d been pretty uptight, very conservative, and didn’t really question...