by | Jun 12, 2008 | Stories
I remember sitting in the apartment with my roommates watching the lottery. One had a very low number, I was in the low hundreds and two had "safe" numbers. I graduated in 1970 and received approval to begin graduate school. In December, I...
by | Jun 12, 2008 | Stories
I was a supporter of the war…conservative before my time. Because I did support the war, I planned to enlist if drafted, so I wasn’t particularly worried, although I was very frustrated by the war protesters and main stream media undermining support within...
by | Jun 9, 2008 | Stories
In 1969, I had applied to, and been accepted for, Air Force ROTC. But, I knew it was unlikely I would get pilot opportunities because of vision. I received the acceptance letter before the lottery, with a deadline for acceptance of the slot...
by | Jun 9, 2008 | Stories
Since I was 24 in 1969 and would soon no longer be eligible for a student deferment from the military I anxiously awaited my draft number. When I learned that my lottery number was 059, I was worried. The Draft Resistance...
by | Jun 4, 2008 | Stories
I was married and had a baby daughter my senior year at the University of Wisconsin which, at the time, had many anti-war protesters filling the streets. Working three jobs and carrying the full load of credits, I stayed busy to say the least. Bar tending, working...
by | Jun 2, 2008 | Stories
There were 7 of us renting a house on Milton St and we were all eligible that first lottery. Six of the 7 got numbers under 50, and the 7th was over 350. It goes without saying that the week following the lottery is more than a bit fuzzy. All the...