Andy, Colorado, 1969. No. 275: Divine Signal

I was due to be drafted when I flunked out of Colby college in 1969 and was certified I-A and given an induction date. Between that date and the date of my induction, they changed over to the lottery system and I drew a number of 275, which meant I was way down the...

Marc, Virginia, 1969. No. 350: Laugh It Off

I tried half-heartedly to get out of the draft in the 1966 and 1967, my senior year in college. I applied to join the Peace Corps. Turned out there were more applicants in 1966 than in any other year in the Peace Corps’ history. I didn’t get in. I applied...

Ben, Kentucky, 1969. No. 108: Fighter Pilot's Son

I remember it like it was yesterday.  About 40 young men all crowded into the Television Room of the Sigma Chi Fraternity House on the campus of the University of Kentucky in Lexington.  I really can’t remember the month … just the moment. ...

Jim, Ohio, 1969. No. 003: Draft Bus To Louisville

I received my undergraduate degree from Ohio State in December, 1967. When I called my draft board in Butler County, Ohio, they advised me that I was number one on its list, as my college deferment had ended. I decided to enlist and did so in...

Eddie, Kentucky, 1969. No. 015: Not a Day More

I lived in a house on Transylvania Avenue with 5 other guys.  On the night of the drawing I went over to the School of Journalism to see the lottery results with a friend.  My number came up 15 and I knew that serving my country was ahead for me. A...

Donald, New York, 1972. No. 028: My War, My Time

I had watched the Vietnam war unfold since 1965 when my uncle headed to Vietnam with the 3rd Marine division. He ended up in Danang, a strange name I’d never heard of before, but I guess that’s the nature of any war, even today. I was just entering high...