by | Apr 15, 2010 | Stories
While I am not a complete pacifist, I knew I would never serve in Vietnam. While I honor those who believed and sacrificed in that war, I wasn’t one of them. I considered the war wrong, immoral, and knew I would never fight if they dragged me there. I...
by | Apr 15, 2010 | Stories
Your question recalls the turning point of my life. On December 1, 1969, I was a recent University of North Carolina graduate working in the news department of WAYS radio in Charlotte, with a draft eligible bulls eye on my back. Literally and figuratively, I was a...
by | Apr 9, 2010 | Stories
I graduated from Carolina in 1969. Observing the angst among those around me about the Draft was humorous, because I was in Navy ROTC. I was already committed to the military and as a Naval Officer. I spent nearly 13 months in Vietnam and wound up...
by | Apr 1, 2010 | Stories
Since I had a student deferment until June 1969 and graduated in May 1969 and had no physical reasons for deferment or rejection, by the time the lottery occurred on 12/1/1969, it was not relevant to me. I joined the U.S. Army Reserve in Feb 1969, my senior year...
by | Apr 1, 2010 | Stories
I received my "greetings" just 42 days after getting my UNC degree. A colleague of my wife’s suggested I actually enlist, for the full three years, to guarantee a school. I did and never regretted it. I also took part in the...
by | Mar 30, 2010 | Stories
I graduated in June of 1969, and was in the last group to be drafted before the lottery went into effect. The Durham Draft Board was so efficient that my draft notice and my official diploma came in the same mail. I was one of an elite group of people to receive...