Jonathan, Massachusetts, 1969. No. 303: Fortune Smiled (On Some)

I understood the war to be an atrocity visited upon the people of a small country defending itself against foreign invasion by colonialist powers, first the French and then by the most powerful nation on earth, my own beloved U.S.A., causing untold suffering also to...

Mike, Florida, 1969. No. 226: Very Scared

At No. 226, I gave up my student deferment and made myself available for the draft.  I was not called.  We were all very scared at the University of Florida when the numbers were announced.  My roommate got a low number.  He flunked his...

Allen, Florida. No Welcome Back

I was in the lottery, but I volunteered for the Marine Corps and went through Naval Flight Training from Oct ’63 until May ’65.  I then went to Vietnam twice as a Marine fighter pilot and a forward air controller.  I don’t regret...

Jerry, California, 1969. No. 332: Wings of Gold

I was a student at the Univ. of Wisconsin during the first draft lottery in 1969. I had a student deferment in any event, but I drew number 332. That meant getting drafted would have been a non-event, but it mattered not a whit as I was also a Midshipman in the...

Dennis, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 154: JAG Reserve Unit

We all sat around in our apartment living room waiting to hear our numbers being drawn. I was No. 154 which was akin to being in limbo. I finished out my degree at UW and interviewed for jobs. The year before I graduated I recall they drew numbers up to the low...

Jack, Wisconsin, 1969. No. 163: Numbered Faces At The Pub

The night of the first lottery I began watching it at the Beta House at Wisconsin with several of the guys. The atmosphere was too tense, so I walked over to the Library and began studying in the second floor reading room. About an hour later, my girlfriend...